NCAA Eligibility Information

The NCAA Eligibility Center certifies the initial academic eligibility and amateur status of all college-bound student-athletes who wish to compete in NCAA Division I or II athletics. The eligibility process requires college bound student athletes to complete 16 core NCAA approved high school credits in specific course areas in combination with a minimum GPA. *By the beginning of their Senior year, students must complete 10 core NCAA approved classes, 7 of which need to be English, Math, and Science.

  • A list of approved NCAA core courses at Ponaganset High School is available on the eligibility center website along with detailed information about what the core credits must consist of and GPA requirements. Ponaganset Approved Courses: School Code 400093

The NCAA Eligibility Center website is the best resource for information related to the eligibility process for students who wish to participate in a Division I or Division II NCAA sport at the college level. The “Guide for the College Bound Student Athlete” can be found at the eligibility center website, then click on “Resources”.  Please review this document below:

NCAA information guide that details academic requirements for high school students (including GPA and required high school classes).

NCAA Video information guide:
NCAA Initial-Eligibility Webinar for College-Bound Student-Athletes

Upon graduation please notify your school counselor which school you plan to attend so that the correct information is sent to the eligibility center.


NCAA Overview

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