The Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) has developed requirements to ensure that all students across the state will successfully complete a rigorous high school program that gives them access to post-secondary training or college, whether immediately after high school or when and if they so choose. These requirements, known as the “Rhode Island High School Diploma System” are aligned with the RI Board of Education Regulations.
The requirements for a Ponaganset High School Diploma will involve multiple measures of student performance that include the successful completion of an established number of Carnegie Units based on standards, school-wide diploma assessments, and participation on the state assessment. Specifically, the Ponaganset Diploma System shall involve:
Completion of the minimum required coursework credits, both in total and for specific subjects:
NOTE: All four-year college bound seniors MUST take a minimum of 2 years of a world language; however, please check with your school counselor for more information.
Completion of a Senior Passion Project, which includes a student-designed and implemented learning stretch based on an area of student interest, and a presentation of findings to a panel of judges that includes community members, to the extent possible.
Completion of state assessments according to the timetable determined by the Board of Education.